An all inclusive brand featuring our Main Street business community

To further develop their footprint, Port Washington Main Street sought out for a unifying brand experience that highlights local events, entrepreneurs, and initiatives of our business community.

The Downtown Port brand was developed in partnership with PWMS leadership and focuses on the phrase, “Cooler by the Lake.” The porthole symbol describes a beautiful view of Lake Michigan and the anticipation of a journey forward.


  • Graphic Design
  • Video Production
  • Web Design
  • Photography
  • Strategy

Project Outcome

Easy Transition

The Downtown Port Campaign has yielded an integrated social media presence with a fast and flexible web presence. Branding elements from Downtown Port are now featured in business articles, sales promotions, volunteer events, and more.

Amazing Results

The simplicity of the campaign and alignment of brand has allowed the Port Washington Main Street business community to operate as a collective team and has streamlined project planning and implementation.